Module #4: Assessments

Evaluation of a Teacher Candidate

The evaluation of a teacher candidate is a continuous process that is undertaken by the cooperating teacher, the university supervisor, and the student teacher. Comments regarding a candidate's knowledge, skills and dispositions in teaching should be specific and constructive. The emphasis on the Wisconsin Educator/InTASC Standards, the domains of learning, and on authentic assessment using a variety of tools and techniques will provide candidates with a successful experience.

Evaluation Feedback

On-going day-to-day evaluative feedback can be made through comments written on their lesson plans, shared journal, separate evaluation sheets, or through verbal discussion. Time should be set aside daily to discuss questions, address concerns, or to provide reflection on the day's events.

Mid-Semester Evaluation

Mid-semester evaluation serves as a progress check for the teacher candidate and is based upon the Wisconsin Educator/InTASC Standards. In addition to your assessments of the teacher candidate's performance and dispositions, it is important for the teacher candidate to evaluate their progress on these standards. You will complete this evaluation on Handshake – a link will be sent mid-semester.

Final Evaluation

Final Evaluation of the Wisconsin Educator/InTASC Standards is to be completed toward the end of the student teaching experience by the cooperating teacher via a link to Handshake. This evaluation is the same as the mid-semester evaluation, and will allow the teacher candidate to see their growth over the course of their student teaching experience.

Wisconsin Educator Standards Evaluation

Upon reviewing these 4 modules, please complete the assignments, linked below, and send them to Upon submitting those assignments, please also complete the  Verification form.

Cooperating Teacher Course Assignments