Madison, Wis. (September 7, 2016) – Edgewood College is pleased to welcome Barbara Reid, O.P. for the 2016 Siena Lecture,
Seeking the Truth that Sets Us Free.
Sister Barbara will explore the characteristics of the Dominican Catholic Intellectual Tradition and how the search for truth – about ourselves, about others and about God – “frees all of us to be joyful preachers and
teachers” of hope and mercy.
Barbara Reid, O.P. is Vice President and Academic Dean and Professor of New Testament Studies at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. She holds a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from The Catholic University of America in
Washington, D.C. She has been widely published. Her most recent work is
Wisdom’s Feast: An Introduction to Feminist Interpretation of the Scriptures (Eerdmans Press, 2016).
The lecture takes place at 7:00 pm, Tuesday, September 27, 2016, in Anderson Auditorium. The public is invited, and there is no admission charge.