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Madison, Wis. (March 20, 2020) – Edgewood College responded to calls this week from two healthcare providers to assist with supplies needed to protect nurses, doctors, and others giving direct care to those in greatest need.

“As you are probably aware the nation is experiencing a critical shortage of gloves, masks, and isolation gowns in our healthcare settings,” Margaret Noreuil, Ph.D., RN, Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, said. “If we could help we wanted to do so immediately.”

On Thursday, Edgewood College received word from UW Health that any personal protective equipment that College had was needed for nurses there. Later in the same day, Edgewood College received a similar request from Group Health Cooperative of South Central Wisconsin (GHC).

Supplies from the nursing skills lab at the Henry Predolin School of Nursing on campus were sent to UW Health on Thursday. Supplies from the Center for Healthcare Education and Simulation (CHES) are being transported Friday morning to GHC. Edgewood College is one of the founding partners of CHES, located in Madison.

“It’s so important for all of us to take action when we are able,” Noreuil said. “We’re honored to help meet the needs our broader community during this time.”