Your college experience isn’t just about textbooks and tests! Explore events designed to fuel your mind, body, and spirit. There’s something for everyone, from athletics and club activities to concerts, fine art gallery shows, and theatre productions. Get ready to connect, learn, and make memories!
Be Inspired by the Arts
Edgewood College aims to enrich your life and the lives of the community through theatre, music, and fine arts. The arts have played a significant role in shaping our academic culture throughout history.
Enjoy the Journey
There’s always something new to do at Edgewood College.
Off Campus | September 20, 2024
Free Fun Friday: OSI goes to The Wilderness
Join OSI as we travel to the Wisconsin Dells and spend the afternoon at the Wilderness Resort! Transportation is provided. All you have to do is sign up at the OSI desk.
off campus | September 20, 2024
Wilderness Resort
Come with OSI to visit the Wilderness Resort in the Dells!!
Off Campus | September 20, 2024
OSI goes to The Wilderness!
Come to the Wilderness resort with OSI! Please sign up at the OSI desk and $20 at the OSI desk.
Please meet in Predolin Lobby at 3:00pm and we will arrive in the Dells at 4:00pm. We will leave the Wilderness at 9:00pm to get back to Madison between 10:00-10:30pm.
Apple Holler Orchard | September 21, 2024
Apple Picking
In collaboration with Campus Ministry we are excited to host an apple-picking event filled with a day of picking fresh apples while connecting with fellow students and exploring other amintines the orchard has to offer. Transportation is being provided though the exact return time to campus is flexible. To join the fun, please use the QR code on the flyer to sign up because you don’t want to miss out on this chance to relax, enjoy the outdoors, and make great memories!
Event and Conference Services
Want to hold an event at Edgewood College? Find out what spaces, dining options, and accommodations are available for your needs.
Alumni Events
Every fall, Edgewood College recognizes extraordinary alumni with awards during a ceremony that honors their work.
Celebrations for alumni who graduated 50 or more years ago provide an opportunity to reflect, reconnect, and rejoice in their time together at Edgewood College.
Community Events
Always check our full events calendar for events open to the community. Here are a few events you might be interested in if you live nearby:
- Theatre productions, music performances, and art galleries are open to all.
- Science outreach events for kids from 1st grade to 12th grade:
- Family STEM Night
- Summer Research Academy
- Summer STEAM Camps