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The Numbers Tell a Story

Delve into data science at a liberal arts college and explore how ‘big data’ impacts every industry. Learn how to analyze data and transform the world by leveraging the power of information. The Bachelor of Science in Data Science program integrates computer science, mathematics, and project management, equipping students with practical knowledge of data analysis methods and techniques. Making informed decisions in any industry begins with the ability to think critically about the construction and implications of data analysis and models.

Data Science is a rapidly evolving field that offers students access to one of the fastest growing career sectors in Wisconsin and across the nation. If you enjoy problem solving and making evidence-based decisions, this career path will open many doors. Experts in this field work in a wide range of industries, including business and economics, information technology, biological and environmental research, genomics, health sciences, meteorology, and physics. Edgewood College’s program prepares students to acquire, manage, process, model, mine, and present data, providing them with knowledge and skills that can lead to a wide variety of careers in business, industry, education, government, or the non-profit sector.

Madison, WI
Number of Credits
Next Start Date
August 25, 2025


Careers within Data Science



A Bachelor of Science in Data Science prepares you for a variety of career paths. Those marked with an asterisk (*) require graduate-level degree.

  • Actuary
  • Business Analyst
  • Business Intelligence
  • Data Architect
  • Data Analyst
  • Mathematician*
  • Operations Analyst
  • Quantitative Analyst
  • Statistician*

Student Spotlight

Casey Konkol

Casey Konkol ‘24

“I loved how the Data Science degree program was taught by experienced faculty and professionals from the field. I can take my skills in data analysis, probability, and statistics, and apply them to my future work in higher education. The program’s blend of classroom learning, internships, capstone projects, and research gave me well-rounded experiences and filled my resume with diverse, valuable experiences.”


All students are required to complete at least one internship when completing their degree. Often internships are the gateway to finding a full-time job, which many students end up getting even before they graduate.

Student Organization

Edgewood EmPowered

This organization is all about bringing ideas to life using the collective skills of its members. It is a creative space in which members can explore a multitude of mediums and skills such as web design, coding/programming, database management, digital art, and more!

The club also acts as a platform for developing growth and knowledge in the personal and professional career world associated with the computer sciences, as well as means to share inspiration and aspirations.

Faculty Spotlight

Artreyee Sinha

Atreyee Sinha

Susan Hollingsworth

Susan Hollingsworth

Alex Anderson

Alexander Anderson

Ted Tranel

Ted Tranel