DVR Client Rights and Responsibilities

Client Responsibilities:

  • Employment: Work is the client's reason for applying to the DVR program. Tell DVR if you get a job.
  • Commitment: Follow through on the responsibilities listed in your Individualized Plan for Employment.
  • Appointments: Keeping appointments is important. Contact DVR if you cannot keep an appointment.
  • Information: Give DVR accurate information about yourself. Contact DVR at least once a month - more often if needed.

Client Rights:

  • Confidentiality: Information about the client's DVR case is protected by confidentiality rules. A counselor will explain those to the client.
  • Individualized Plan for Employment: The client and their DVR counselor will agree on an Employment Plan and make informed decisions about their job goals and DVR services.
  • Cost: DVR services are usually provided at no cost to the client
  • Appeals: If the client has a problem with DVR services, they can talk to their counselor, a supervisor, a director, or contact the Client Assistance Program at 800-362-1290 (Voice/TTY)