Dean of Students Office
The Dean of Students Office assists students on their journey to greater growth and success. We work with students who have concerns and/or nonacademic grievances. We also work to connect students with the resources that will help them achieve their personal and academic goals. Even if all is going well – we want to hear from students who have ideas on ways to improve the student experience.
Staff Spotlight

Report Student Concerns
At Edgewood College, we are about our community. We take care of each other. We keep each other healthy, protected, and free from self-harm. Are you worried about a student? Did you see something questionable? Are you experiencing or witnessing discrimination? Please tell someone!
Be our eyes and ears – keep the whole campus safe by reporting things that make you uncomfortable or concerned.
Not sure which form to use? No problem. Pick the one that closest fits your situation and we’ll make sure it gets to the right people.
EC Cares Team
The Edgewood College Cares Team purpose is to promote campus student support resources, help faculty and staff refer and get students connected to help, and to identity, support, and consult regarding students whose behaviors are perceived by others to be disconcerting, disruptive, and or threatening to self or others.
If you have questions or need clarification of any of the information contained here, please contact the Dean of Students Office at | 608-663-2212 | Predolin 215
Complaint Process
Edgewood College seeks to resolve all student concerns in a timely and effective manner. To that end, this complaint process serves as an ongoing means for students to discuss concerns or register formal complaints that pertain to alleged violations of State consumer protection laws that include but are not limited to fraud and false advertising; alleged violations of State laws or rules relating to the licensure of postsecondary institutions; and complaints relating to the quality of education or other State or accreditation requirements.
The Offices of the Academic Dean, Dean of Students, Admissions, Business Office, Registrar’s Office and Financial Aid all provide specific administrative means to address and resolve most, if not all of the questions and concerns you may have. The contact information for each of these Offices is provided below:
- Academic Dean’s Office (academic programs, accreditation): 608-663-2200/
- Dean of Students (student and campus life): 608-663-2313 /
- Admissions Office (admissions eligibility): 608-663-2294/
- Business Office (tuition/fee payments): 608-663-2229/
- Registrar’s Office (academic records): 608-663-3256/
- Edgewood Central (loans, scholarships, grants): 608-663-4300/
It is expected that students will fully utilize any/all of the College’s administrative procedures to address concerns and/or complaints in as timely a manner as possible. On occasion, however, a student may believe that these administrative procedures have not adequately addressed concerns identified under the Program Integrity Rule. Students can file a complaint using this form. Alternatively, students can visit the Dean of Students Office (Predolin 215) to consult or register a complaint in person.
Please use this form to report behaviors by an Edgewood College community member that are concerning or troubling and cause you to worry about that person’s health or safety. These might include but are not limited to, behaviors such as noticeable changes in behavior or threats of harm to self or others.
Please use this form to report sexual violence. This might include, but is not limited to, sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating or domestic violence, relationship violence, sexual exploitation, or stalking. More information about these terms and the resulting process can be found in the Edgewood College Student Handbook, available here.
Please use this form to report incidents of bias, including discrimination. These might include but are not limited to, discrimination from another member of the community or a written or spoken slur.
Faculty and staff should use this form to document concerns about a student’s academic progress. These might include excessive absences, late or missing work, or poor exam or test scores.