Alumni Careers: Development & Mentorship in Madison, WI

Your Success Matters to Us!

We believe career development is a journey, full of opportunities. Not only do we continue to support alumni in their own career development, we also help them stay connected with our current students!

Career Advice & Appointments

Connect with the Career Development Department to:

  • Grow your network - We encourage you to consider joining the Edgewood College Alumni Group on LinkedIn.
  • Practice interviewing skills so you can go into your next interview with confidence.
  • Refine personal brand tools, such as your resume and LinkedIn profile, to highlight your skills and the value you bring.
  • Explore next steps such as graduate school, relocation, and more.

If you are interested in scheduling a career development appointment to explore these (or other) topics further, please contact

Hire a Current Student

Engage with Edgewood College students by offering them an internship at your organization or hiring them for a full or part time job! Edgewood College students have the skills and talents you seek: critical thinking, creativity, teamwork, leadership, and communication.

Use our online career management system,  Handshake, to create an employer profile and post internship or career opportunities at your company for current students.

Interested in learning more about building an internship program? Let us help! Contact

Share Your Career Knowledge

We welcome volunteers for mock interviews, networking events, panels and workshops to share their experience and journey with current students! If you are interested in getting involved,  please contact


Alumni have free access to Handshake, our online career management system. Through Handshake you can:

  • Upload a resume or cover letter for professional review
  • Search and apply for full and part time jobs around the world
  • Utilize guides, tips and other info in our Career Resource Library
  • Register for career fairs, employer presentations, and other events

(Please note: registration requests can take up to 3 business days for approval.)